Tuesday, September 15, 2009

DIY Doll Closet Diorama Tutorial

It has been awhile since my last post...my little one has been keeping me more busy than I want! On my off time (when he is sound asleep!), a time I cherish so much I surf the net in hopes of finding something else I can create with my hands. So the other day when I accidently came across this tutorial, I was completely amazed! At first glance I thought it was something store bought because of how professional it looked. Upon further examination I came to discover that it took the touch of being "hand made" that made this look this good! It is a doll closet, every little girls dream! Forget the little girl...its MY DREAM!!!! I was completely shocked to discover there is a whole world of people out there who make cute little doll dioramas! Oh the lucky girls of THOSE mothers!!!! I thought it was so cute how in this picture the closet gives you the feel of an upscale boutique somewhere in New York! I especially love the color combinations used for it...pink, lavender and black. Very chic! To give your little Barbie dolls a home and make your own follow this step by step instruction found here. As always....have a crafty day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that is wee beautiful & chic indeed! Yeah, I am still dreaming of my own doll house and the wees thingys that come along.