Saturday, April 18, 2009

DIY Matchbox Birth Announcements

Having a baby is an exciting time in every couple's life. I should know....I'm in my eighth month of pregnancy and can't help but gawk at anything baby related! So you can imagine I was really excited when I came across this cute posting about birth announcements! How adorable are they?! I especially love the one in the front with the little chics on them! Thanks to the good folks at Little Window Shoppe for posting this cute tutorial. It looks so simple to do, yet appears so elegant. You can customize these any which way you can think of since the market is filled with beautiful scrapbook paper. You can add anything inside from the diaper pins pictured to candy. If you would like to see the instructions just click on the title above to be taken over to the tutorial. As usual, enjoy!


Tizzalicious said...

Those are so cute!

Katie said...

Adorable! Thanks for sharing with us. said...

Unbelievably adorable!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get the link to work!

The LemonDrop Tree said...

Hi Erika....just click on the title. It should work. THanks for coming by by the way!

Anonymous said...

It was very interesting for me to read this blog. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.